To the university with a presentation

On Friday, November 29, employees of WizardsDev and its partner — DevEducation International IT College — spoke at the event dedicated to the opening of the Information Technology Center at the University of Customs and Finance, School of Innovative Technologies.
Director of DevEducation Dnepr Elena Chernovol shared information with students about the demands of business and the importance of university education, as well as talked about the additional opportunities offered by the IT training: “DevEducation and the Customs Academy are bound by years of friendship and partnership. Many graduates have been taught at DevEducation, improving their knowledge in IT and getting a decent job related to internet technologies after the end of training, including in our partner company WizardsDev. Today we explained to the students what an IT company is, what the knowledge requirements for students are, and what skills are necessary to get a job in an IT company.”
After the official part, WizardsDev representatives, Andrey Barchuk and Igor Kolechkin, spent an hour sharing their knowledge and job duties, describing what exactly the employees of different IT departments do, and also giving the guys a more detailed introduction to the Frontend Department.
WizardsDev works closely with universities in the cities where it operates. Collaboration involves sharing experiences, participating in events, engaging university students in additional training in IT disciplines at DevEducation college. In Dnepr, our company and the University of Customs and Finance have been partners since 2017.
The University of Customs and Finance is a public higher education institution in Dnepr that trains professional staff for customs authorities. One of Ukraine's two specialized institutions of higher education engaged in training and retraining of specialists in the field of customs, it prepares professional staff for the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine. It was founded on September 3, 2014 by merging the Academy of Customs Service of Ukraine and the Dnipropetrovsk State Financial Academy.
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