Middle/Senior Python Developer


Необхідні навички

— 4+ years of experience with Python3
— Proficiency in FastAPI, REST APIs
— Experience with WebSockets for developing interactive applications
— Familiarity with SQLAlchemy for database operations, particularly with PostgreSQL
— Experience using Alembic for managing database migrations
— Ability to work with Docker and Docker Compose for containerization and local deployment of applications
— Knowledge of Kubernetes for orchestrating and managing containerized applications
— Experience with Celery and Redis for asynchronous task processing
— Proficiency in Uvicorn for running web servers.


— creative and friendly team without hierarchy within
— opportunity to work remotely in the office, it’s up to you
— 18 days of paid vacation per year and 5 days of sick leave
— offer compensation for gym memberships
— compensation for educational platforms and English language classes
— corporate English language courses and speaking club
— coverage for psychotherapy sessions on the pleso.me platform.


— development of a backend for a mobile application
— backend development for third party integration
— support/improvement of the telegram bot
— backend development for web app
— active communication with the international team.

Про проєкт

🔥AI Dating project.

Hi, we’re looking for a Middle/Senior Python Developer for our project — intimate.ai. Here’s the gist: a person interacts with an AI girl on various topics, there’s image generation, and soon there will be video 🙂 We’ve gathered a strong team and now we’re looking for a new member who can help us bring all ideas to life and expand into new markets.

Are you with us?

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